We are a team of clinical leaders and tech experts passionate to make things better for patients, families, clinicians and healthcare leaders, by connecting everyone around the patient, like the conductor with a score that guides talented musicians to create music instead of noise.
We are concerned that the fragmentation of healthcare is getting worse, as there are more and more co-morbidities, options, apps and devices. Patients, families, clinicians and health organizations are overwhelmed by the noise. We need to make the health "system" act as a system, starting for some complex and chronic health issues and also for multi-morbidity patients and integrated care systems.
We believe that every person should have the opportunity to achieve their optimal health with the guidance of the experts on their clinical team. We are dedicated to unlocking the full potential of innovation in health care - always BETTER, getting people to act on the information and learn what worked in order to continuously optimize.
Careteam was founded by physicians, health technology leaders and entrepreneurs, all of whom have also been caregivers on multiple occasions and even sometimes patients ourselves.
We have seen health care at its best, and we have seen the system fail. We know that technology can help us be more consistent, and unlock the shackles of human capacity which limit the scale of the innovations health care so urgently needs.
We all know how challenging it is to bring innovation into healthcare and yet, how necessary it is to make sure that it happens. We are passionate to bring the tools needed to eliminate the overwhelm of patients, the overwork of clinicians and the massive gap between what is possible and what usually happens.
1) Everyone critical to the patient’s success needs to be included: the patient and family, health professionals within and across organizations.
2) Experts need to be able to guide the patient with expertise and empathy so that the experience of health care can be more personalized, planned, predictable, reliable and flexible and the outcomes and experience can be the best possible.
3) Health Innovators can thrive within Learning Health Systems: test, and scale successful change using data and predictions.
Our health care "systems" are getting ever more complex and fragmented. It takes deep knowhow to figure out the best path forward and support patients and those who care for them at every step. We offer our passion and expertise, based on decades of service.
Join UsPhysician executive and scientist serving in C-level leadership roles at several top academic hospitals in the United States and Canada, including CEO at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, President CEO at The Hospital for Sick Children, Senior VP and Chief Medical Officer at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), VP at Yale-New Haven Health System.
Bruce was the founding Director of Genome BC, co-founded a genomics company, GenomeDx, with the objective of enabling personalized medical approaches to chronic disease. He is a Director and/or Officer for several public companies listed on the TSX Senior, TSX Venture or Canadian Venture stock exchanges in Canada.
Officer of the Order of Canada, author, over 20 years as a senior executive in health sector, including as Retired as founding President and CEO of HealthcareCAN founding Executive Director Canadian Health Leadership Network, CEO of Canadian Medical Association and as Executive Director of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.